Your hands shake when he touches you, his fingers tracing chin, shoulder to your hip
It’s not supposed to be this way.
You’re not supposed to be fifteen years old and scared while he strips you of your clothing
Childhood crumpling on the floor layer by innocent layer
You’re not supposed to sit in the shower for hours afterwards
Eating soap and scrubbing your skin trying to forget where his hands were
Trying to sanitise
This great dirtiness you feel.
You’re not supposed to withdraw from your friends and family
Because you don’t know
how to look them in the eye without revealing your secret
Like it’s written across your forehead, darling it isn’t. Use your voice.
You’re not supposed to experience this
He was not supposed to steal that from you, but he did,
He broke the rules but now it’s your turn.
Steal it back, whatever he took, take it back,
your voice, your courage, your smile, the light in your eyes
HE is not the thief anymore, you are. Take what is yours and you use it as the fuel you need
to singe his hands and to burn anybody who tries to take anything from you
Ever again
You can do it
I promise.