Nonchalant Narcissist
They are the type of person
Who could drive a stick
Straight down your throat
With the same casual ease
One might have while texting
They would still look desirable
Even after they turned the world upside down.
Buried the headstones and
Left the bodies above ground
To breathe and rot.
One might even present them
With a shiny medal
For their expertise in disguising
Disappointment as hope.
They are the type of person
You could poison yourself with.
That is until you become just a
Remnant of their toxic waste
Filled with disgust and indifference
A whole lot of nothing.
Filled to the brim with
Stinging dissonance.
They are the type of person
Who don't consciously realise
They are nonchalantly breaking your bones.
Or maybe they do.