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I must have been shit.

Arise from a weird slumber,

I shake my skin of dust and ash,

Bounce though a circle of fire,

Call me Johnny Cash.

Didn't burn, felt no pain,

Immune to fire it seems,

Walked right through,

Smoke rattles my ears.

Might not blister but I feel the heat,

A thousand degrees of a grapevine life,

I remember monsters and wine,

Now we're here together - In purgatory.

Is this a resurrection?

Do I need a new direction?

Another chance have I been given?

Resurrected as a holy woman?

Fuck no.

This aint heaven,

Don't think it's hell, Sure as shit aint Earth,

Just ash and dirt.

A wasteland here,

Hope this isn't my brain,

I must have been shit,

But don't bring me back,

I'll be shit again.


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